Music composer: Tarn Taran Singh
Guitar & Vocals: Tarn Taran Singh
Backing Vocals: Manvir Jaideep and Saravtar
Keyboards and French Horn: Manvir Jaipeed
Recording, Production Mixing & Mastering: Kamari & Manvir.

In Celebration of my 73nd Birthday… please enjoy a FREE DOWNLOAD

Ardas Bhaee, The Mantra of Prayer… with beat and verve to get your feet tapping and put a smile on your face… while the “needs of life are adjusted”  

Please download and enjoy this remix collaboration with my very talented friends Kamari & Manvir from Akashik Recordings.

Ardas Bhaee, Amar Das Guru,

Amar Das Guru, Ardas Bhaee,

Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru,

Ram Das Guru, Sachee Sahee

When life goes wrong and we feel hopeless in our failed attempts to fix it… we pray… in the hopes that there is a higher power who can fill the hole, restore the harmony, heal the wound.

This mantra calls on Guru Amar Das, the hope of the hopeless, and we are told that when we call on him with true sincerity, he sends our prayer to Guru Ram Das, the granter of miracles, who guarantees that, as we speak, our prayers are answered and the “needs of life are adjusted”.

From a yogic perspective, this is an internal adjustment of the Chakras.

Guru Amar Das is the Third Sikh Guru and Guru Ram Das the fourth Guru.

When we are stuck, trying to understand and manipulate the world from our ego’s limited perspective at the Third Chakra we feel powerless… this mantra can open the pathway of consciousness to realm of our Soul in the Fourth Chakra where we understand through the compassion of the Heart and restore harmony through the power of Love.